Weedy Woods and Flowers: A Exhibit



Ahh, the joys of a day job. It can keep you from other pursuits and goals, and yet feed you heartily on the way–as well as financially supporting those pursuits and goals.

For the past year and  a half, I have been building my day job life, and with this November, I am returning here to offer regular reports on my business, and on my writing blog to share new essays, poems and photography (OfTheEssenceBlog.com) which will be updated soon!  Thank you for your patience, and I look forward to sharing the walks I have been offering on a smaller scale, and exciting plans for the future.

Meantime, here’s what I’ve been up to recently–the reception is today, November 4, and the exhibit will be up all month.

Weedy Woods & Flowers:
valuing the tiny
and overlooked

Photos, Writings, Other Media
Diane Kavanaugh-Black & Carole Fults

For the month of November, 2018

William K. Sanford (Colonie) Town Library
629 Albany Shaker Rd, Loudonville NY

Opening Reception
Sunday, November 4, 2018
2-4 pm
Viewing hours:
Monday – Thursday 9 am to 8 pm,
Friday 9 am to 6 pm
Saturday 9 am to 5 pm
Sunday 1 to 5 pm

Sanford Show Flyer 2

Paying Attention Among the Trees

The snow fell onto tree limbs and sparkled in the cold sunlight on January 19th at Dyken Pond.

The snow fell onto tree limbs and sparkled in the cold sunlight on January 19th at Dyken Pond.

We stopped at the beginning of the Cherry Trace trail, to feel the quality of our breath, and slow down in order to take in the rich sensory experiences to come. Then we hiked up into the hemlocks, many of which were torn off at the same height by a freak wind storm a few months back.

Into the fairy tale dark woods we crunched, listening and looking and tasting and smelling. Part-way, we broke out into a clearing full of sunlight, with sugar crystal snow dancing and sparkling in swirls of wind; we reacted with laughter and gulps of oxygen-rich air.

Magic in the woods on the Cherry Trace trail.

Magic in the woods on the Cherry Trace trail.

Afterwards we sat by the wood burning stove and warmed with tea and possible ways to write about nature. That led to discussion of how to be present in our lives, how to pay attention to the details. With pen and keyboard, we wrote and wrote about the day spent with beech trees and princess pines, what we each experienced and what it might mean.

So that’s one day, “Paying Attention Among the Trees.” Would you like to join me for the next one?

Spots are still available February 16 and March 16; see the Winter Walks with Nature Writing tab above for registration information. If you desire a whole day experience, look at the Move With Mindfulness, Write with Ease workshop option for Saturday, February 22.

Possible descriptions: like a dead bug, legs to the sky; wild hair-day; resting and snow-covered.

Possible description: dead bug, legs to the sky. Or a wild hair day. What would you jot down in your notebook?